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From May 14th to 24th
We are pleased in Alqueria de Rosales to spend the last days of Ramadan with you. Here, you will share the fast with special people from all the umma who will accompany us in this blessed month.
Alqueria de Rosales and its mosque offer taraweeh every night and the opportunity to recite and memorize the Qur’an throughout with our Imam, S. Mohammed Kasbi. You will share the break of the fast, have dinner in company and enjoy the sahoor before the time of the fajr.
This year, our retreat will take place the last 10 days of Ramadan, coinciding with the itifak. Those who are interested may make the retreat in the mosque.
The price per person per day is 45 euros in rooms and apartments and 35 euros on dorms.
These prices include accommodation, meals, access to facilities, and Qur’an lessons.
We have special prices for families.
If you wish to register, please complete the registration form
Please contact us: mail@alqaria.org