Signs of the Hour |
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Signs of the Hour

What have you prepared?

For the sixth year running Rumi´s Retreats Presents this special program with Shykh Babikir

From the 15th to the 22nd of August

Join us in the enchanting Andalucian countryside in southern Spain for a retreat that will take you on a journey towards reconnection and revival. Taking place in the midst of summer. This retreat will provide seekers with the perfect escape from the city and the tools necessary to build a foundation for the year ahead, God willing.

A man asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), ``When will the Hour be established O Allah's Apostle?`` The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked, ``What have you prepared for it?`` It is this very question that will be the basis of our retreat this year, God willing.

These spiritual and fun packed days will include: – Spiritual Seminars with Sheikh Babikir and *Special Guest* (TBH)
– Nature and spirituality
– Dhikr and Quran sessions
– Herbal and Prophetic Medicine
– Poetry Workshops
– Archery
– Arts and crafts workshops (e.g ceramics, calligraphy etc)
– Sleeping under the stars
– Excursions (Al- Hambra) for those staying 7 nights and (La Sagra) for all attending
– Nature walks – Men / Womens Swimming – Football / Basketball – Cycling – Silat (Malaysian martial arts)
– Group Workshops

Prices start at £205 for 4 night and £325 for 7 nights. We hope to see you there. IA

Please email to book your place and to find out more costs / access more information.

More information press here

Rumis retreats
#tasawuf #rumisretreats #rumiscave #signsofthehour

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